为了生活, 人们四处奔波

Our second career tale concerns Mary, an INFP. INFPs can have a hard time finding work that satisfies them. Like Jane, Mary needed a number of years to find a job that she enjoys and pays her a living wage.

In high school and college, Mary had two main interests: dance and mathematics. Sounds like an unusual combination, but not surprising at all. Mary also had a great interest in art. She received a bachelor's degree in math with honors.

After college, Mary decided to move to California to pursue dance full-time. While she loved dance, injuries eventually forced her to quit. She tried art for a bit, but found the money insufficient to support her. That's when she decided to try math again.

Mary wanted to go back to graduate school for math, but found out she needed some computer classes before she could do so. While taking computer classes, she discovered she enjoyed computer work. She found it hard to believe people could get paid to "play" with computers. The movie "Tron" was an eye-opener because it combined computer graphics with human actors. This seemed to be a great combination of dance, art, and mathematics.

Mary eventually worked on a Master's in computer science, with an emphasis in computer graphics. She never completed her degree, yet found work in IT. At first she was heavily involved in graphics work. She liked the problem solving and creative aspect of the work. However, the fast pace and constant deadlines, combined with so many hours in front of a computer, made her change careers. Mary eventually moved into training, still in the IT arena. She enjoyed the people part of the job, helping them develop and better use the tools they need for their jobs.

Mary still enjoys training and has stayed in the field for several years now. She currently works as the training manager for a design firm.

As you can see, there's hope for everyone. It's true that it can take longer than we like to find a career or job that fits our interests and our personalities.

猎头英文是headhunter, 专门找head(头)的行业, 这里面的头有两方面的意思, 一个是
智慧, 就是那些有才华的人, 一个就是头目,一般都是经理,总裁级的人,所以大家会
误会猎头公司只是高级中介, 其实有点错误, 我开始想尝试找一个确切的猎头公司的定
义,不过比较难, 这个行业一直都是很模糊的定义。猎头找的是那些永远不愁没有工作的
人, 而中介只是帮那些在找工作和找不到工作的人找工作。 美国发展最规范, 而中国只
停留在很狭小的范围, 而美国, 正规的都会包含人员的科学测试和培训,公司机构和人
力的咨询等,中国的相对粗造的多, 象上海这类公司有400多家, 于是就导致好多公司很
底的职位都会去代理,而沦落为简单的中介, 几个月都拿不到一个大的单子。
好多人都想刚刚毕业就进入这一个行业, 几天粗造的了解给我的印象是一个专业的猎头人
, 要具备Knowledge, Professional, and  discernment. 这个行业对猎头的知识的要求
是对整个行业的了解, 给你一个case, 你要在半个小时内就要确定搜寻的范围, 包含那
些公司,那些部门,可以挖到相关的人, 然后是professional, 这个不仅仅是猎头这行业
, 其它所有行业都这样, 外在要穿着方面, 内在沟通方式, 你的职业性会让公司对你
有信心, 给你更多的单子,让你的candidate更愿意把自己托付给你。 最后的discernme
nt是出成果最重要的一环, 你要对你推荐的candidate给出至少70%以上的判断, 这方面每
个人用的方法不同,有的喜欢打听candidate 的身边的人, 有的喜欢用test, 而我个人比
较喜欢面视时的聊天, 当然有些人很会谈, 很会包装自己, 不过猎头都比较喜欢没有包
装的真实的你, 其实这样对公司也是对个人负责,因为工作是长期的, 所以我一般都会
选择那些just be yourself的人。
